Fire Blanket Testing & Maintenance Services

Fire Blanket Testing & Maintenance Services

Fire safety is critical in both commercial and residential buildings, and every premises should have an actionable plan, as well as the right equipment for dealing with fire emergencies.

You will often find a fire blanket, and a fire extinguisher as common fire suppression devices in buildings. A fire blanket is a large piece of fire-resistant fabric, used to put out small or starting fires. It is also a key fire safety equipment for individuals affected by clothing fires. 

For your fire safety equipment inspection and maintenance needs, look no further than AESM. Learn how we ensure your fire blanket is ready to protect the things that matter the most and reach out to us today.

Fire Blanket Testing & Tagging Services in Melbourne

A fire blanket must be routinely inspected and properly maintained to perform as intended. Poor storage practices or mishandling can damage a fire blanket and compromise its ability to put out a fire. A damaged fire blanket can worsen a dangerous situation with tragic results.

As your service partner, AESM’s team of fire equipment specialists will work to keep your fire blanket in peak condition, ready to deploy in a fire emergency. Our suite of specially curated services includes:

  • Routine inspection of your fire blanket by our team of fire equipment specialists (this is often performed in conjunction with fire extinguisher testing)
  • Field evaluation and testing of your fire blanket to ensure full compliance with Australian safety codes
  • Inspection tags and detailed reports allowing for accurate and hassle-free recordkeeping

With regular inspections and on-site evaluations, AESM will maintain your fire protection equipment at the highest level while providing a priceless peace of mind.

Why do you need a Fire Blanket?

A fire blanket is an essential fire suppression device and can be effective against small fires from:

  • Class F Fires (e.g. cooking oils and fats)
  • Class A Fires (e.g. wood, paper, cloth, plastics)
  • Class B Fires (e.g. petrol, kerosene, paint)

In particular, it is an indispensable fire protection tool in residential and commercial kitchens such as in restaurants & cafes, and in any setting where cooking with oils occurs, such as a food production facility,  school or R&D laboratory, or even a culinary class.

Using a fire blanket correctly can suppress fire in the following ways:

  • A fire blanket suppresses a small class A, B, or F fire by smothering it
  • If a person’s clothing has caught on fire, a fire blanket can help to extinguish the flames

If your business has these fire risks, you will likely need a fire blanket at hand. The installation of fire blankets means they will need to be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained in top quality to work against fires.

AESM’s team of qualified technicians will partner with your organization to make sure that your fire blankets are placed at the right spots, have no faults and rips, and are of the correct size that complies with Australian standards.

What are the Australian Standards for Fire Blankets?

Australian Standard AS1851, AS 2444 and AS/NZS 3504:2006 establish the primary standards for fire blankets. Collectively, these rules dictate how fire blankets must be installed and maintained, amongst other fire safety equipment.

Installation Requirements

Because a fire can erupt without warning, and there may be only a slim window in which to take action, a fire blanket must be easily accessible and quickly deployable. AESM can make sure to check that your fire blanket is in line with its installation requirements:

  • A fire blanket must be installed so that it is visible and easily accessible (at least 2 meters above the ground)
  • In commercial buildings, conspicuous signage and clear instructions must accompany a fire blanket to inform occupants and visitors of its location
  • A fire blanket must be kept in a secure container to protect it from damage and dirt
  • AS/NZS 3504:2006 states that the minimum size for a fire blanket is 1 meter by 1 meter

How Often Should a Fire Blanket Be Tested?

Australian regulations require timely inspection, and even replacement of fire blankets, when necessary. AESM will ensure that your fire blankets are routinely inspected as per the following guidelines:

  • Per AS 1851-2012, a commercially installed fire blanket must be inspected every six months
  • A maintenance tag recording each inspection should be displayed on or near each fire blanket
  • Fire blankets installed in commercial locations must be replaced every five years
  • A fire blanket is for one-time use only and must be discarded and replaced after use

AESM has expert fire safety technicians on the job in Victoria who will evaluate your fire blankets against a fire blanket inspection checklist in line with Australian Safety standards.

In addition, our easy to use CMMS platform puts vital monitoring data at your fingertips, providing you with complete reports, so you can stay on top of your fire safety equipment maintenance requirements.

Be Fire-Safe Today

Residential and work safety is key for all buildings and premises in Melbourne for the health and well-being of your residents, tenants, or employees. In the event of a fire, the results of unchecked fire equipment can be disastrous and lead to potential loss of life, and should be subjected to regular maintenance.

Contact the experts at AESM for Melbourne & Geelong Fire Protection and receive top notch fire safety maintenance and testing services for your fire blankets and other fire fighting equipment as per safety standards. We will review your safety plan, perform fire safety inspections, and advise on how to align your procedures with current regulations.